Lightning-proof Surge Protector SP5, SP6
Surge Protector SP5, SP6 can be classified into the following three series: SP5-RJ11, SP5-RJ45 and SP6.
Descriptions of Lightning-proof Surge Protector SP5, SP6:
Surge Protector SP5-RJ11
It is widely used in Modem, DDN special line, facsimile and telephone circuits to protect devices and equipments.
Surge Protector SP5-RJ45
It is specially designed for ethernet, local area netmork and token ring. The different product design can satisfy different lightning-proof requirments. The product applies hermaphrodite connector to input and output and mainly used to protect RJ45 interfaces of server, workstation, HUB and Broadband etc.
Surge Protector SP6
SP6 is applicable in closed circuit television neighboring system, security system, satellite conmmunications system and some compuer network system etc. The product has many coaxial interfaces like BNC, N, TNC, L9, CC4, FL10 etc.

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