The power semiconductor module makes the high-power thyristor chip or rectifier chip as the core, and assembly two or more chips into module according to specific circuit structure to realize the rectification, voltage adjustment and switch function. The chip adopts the DBC ceramic chip, vacuum welding technique, program controlled hydraulic technique and international standard. The leading-out terminal and heat dissipation base are encapsulated by silica gel and epoxy resin, therefore featuring good electric insulation between them. The power semiconductor module features small size, high sensitivity, no electric arc, large load power and long lifespan.
Clion offers its global customers a wide range of electronic switching devices with their high quality electromagnetic relays, solid state relays, solid state voltage regulators, and miniature snap action switches among a whole catalog of additional products. We have fully equipped automatic production and assembly lines as we offer superior quality electrically operated switches with thousands of models to choose from.
semiconductor, electric switch, electrical device
Clion Electric Co.,Ltd.
Add.: No.319, Wei 18 Rd.,Yueqing Economic Development Zone,Yueqing City, Zhejiang Province, 325600
Contact Person: Tony Chen
Tel.: +86-577-57156992
Fax: +86-577-57572255